
Spare a Rose

Buy one less rose this Valentine's Day


Donate the cost of that Rose

To Insulin for Life


Give insulin to someone in need

Insulin for Life will transport insulin to the neediest in under resourced countries

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Insulin for Life's


Insulin for Life ( is a network of affiliates in nine advantaged countries who help provide diabetes supplies to clinics serving poor people with diabetes in under resourced regions. For over two decades IFL has been supporting diabetes care, awareness, advocacy and disaster responses in over 74 countries including in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and the Western Pacific region.

What is Spare a Rose?

Initiated by a group from the Diabetes Online Community, Spare a Rose raises money to help people living with diabetes in under resourced countries obtain life saving insulin and diabetes care supplies.

Spare a Rose attracts many smaller donations which, together equal thousands of dollars, showing the impact even the smallest donation can have.

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Why Insulin for Life?

Diabetes is a global problem with over three quarters of people with diabetes now living in low and middle income countries, many of whom struggle to afford or access insulin and other diabetes supplies and care. For this reason, Insulin for Life contributes to international efforts to improve the availability of insulin and other essential supplies to poor people with diabetes in need.

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Donations made to the Spare A Rose campaign are made to Insulin for Life, which is based in Australia, and is not a program of any other diabetes-related not-for-profit organization. Please consult your tax advisor about the deductibility of your donation.


Spread the Word

Help raise awareness of the campaign by using #SpareARose across your social media channels along with our downloadable social media graphics and cover photos. Below are links to download the Spare a Rose logo and a single rose.
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Single Rose Image | Spare a Rose Logo

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